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560 Riverside Drive Suite A-101, Salisbury MD 21801 | Phone: 410-749-0121410-749-0121

Foot Fracture

What Is A Fracture?

A foot fracture is a break in a bone. It may be a crack in the bone (a stress fracture) or a complete break, where the bones may shift out of place or break the skin. Fractures in the bones of the foot and ankle cause a variety of symptoms and require different treatments depending on the location and severity of the break, as well as the patient's overall health.

Where Can Fractures Of The Foot And Ankle Occur?

You can get a foot fracture in several parts of your foot and ankle. These include:

  • Digits and metatarsals (toes & forefoot)
  • Lisfranc joint (midfoot)
  • Heel
  • Ankle

What Causes A Fracture?

Like fractures within other areas of the body, these injuries usually occur as a result of a fall, automobile accident, fight, sports injury, or other types of injury. These fractures often cause pain, swelling, and bruising. Symptoms of foot fractures tend to get worse while walking.

How To Treat A Fracture

We offer specialized knowledge and care for the treatment of fractures. The doctors at Thomas Podiatry & Associates will treat your injury every step of the way until it is completely healed. Bone fractures can be diagnosed by physical examination and an X-ray or CT scan. Immobilizing the area is often helpful in relieving pain before proper treatment begins. Treatment for bone fractures depends on the location and type of fracture, as well as the patient's medical history. We take all of these factors into account when developing a treatment plan.

Mild fractures, including a greenstick or stress fracture in the foot, usually only require the conservative treatment methods of ice, rest, and anti-inflammatory medication. Moderate fractures may require splints or braces along with pain medication. The immobilization helps relieve pain and speed up recovery. Meanwhile, more severe fractures may require surgical treatment, especially open fractures with wounds that need to be closed.

After the proper treatment is performed, the rehabilitation process begins. It is important to care for your fracture while it heals. Full healing can take several weeks to several months. Our staff will advise you on how to care for your fracture and helpful measures you can take to ensure a speedy and healthy recovery.

An x-ray of a foot fracture | Foot Fracture

To learn more about foot fractures and other podiatric services, please contact us at Thomas Podiatry & Associates at 410-749-0121410-749-0121 today or click here to schedule an appointment.